Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reading & Homework for September 28

Read: pages 51, 52 on Bibliographies in the textbook

Assignment: Write me a Proposal Memo using the assignment sheet as a guide. This will be the official proposal for the subject, treatment, and direction of your Formal Report. This is due: October 6

Assignment: Find 10 sources for your Formal Report and write a tentative outline for your Formal Report, including both the Expanded Definition and the Process Paper. Bear in mind that you are not locked into your outline at this time. The outline is subject to change at your discretion. These are due: October 8

Blog Entry: What is Patriotism?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Homework for September 24

Blog Entry: Write a concise, but complete, discription of how to eat an orange.

Complete the handout, "20 Most Common Writing Errors." Bring it to class Monday the 29th.

Be sure to read the handout, "General Writing Tips." This was handed out earlier in the semester. We'll go over this on Monday.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading & Homework for September 22

Reading: 375, 376 on Persuasion and 370, 371 on Paraphrasing

Complete the handout: "Using Other Sources"
This covers two important ways to use, other than directly quoting, passages from other writers. These are Paraphrasing and Summarizing. Even though you are rewriting passages into your own words, remember to cite the author and source of the material or ideas.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reading and Homework, 9-17-2008

Reading: pages 325 - 328 in the textbook

Blog Entry: What computer platform (pc or mac) do you use and why?

Assignment: Bring 3 potential topics for your Formal Report and show how your ideas were generated and developed. As in, which specific invention stategies did you use? Be prepared to discuss with me and show me your work in class one-on-one. This is due Monday the 22nd.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Homework for September 15th

Write a blog entry about an event or activity on campus at WSU Vancouver. It can be an editorial (as in your opinion) or an announcement. Remember: short sentences and lots of personality. Write this before Wednesday the 17th.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reading and Upcoming Assignment!!!

Reading: The handout titled "Using Type"

Assignment: For Monday the 15th, we will use the class time to work on the Design Project, which is one of the graded assignments. Each table will design and create a flyer/poster promoting the Diversity Film Festival here at WSU Vancouver. It will be up to each team to decide what aspect of the festival to focus on for their flyers. Come to class prepared to work. You will turn in your flyers at the end of class on Monday.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Reading for September 8th

Please read: pages 298 - 303, and read handout titled "General Writing Tips."

Also, bring to class one flyer or small poster and be ready to discuss it in class.

See you Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reading and Homework for 9-3

Please read the following from the textbook:

pages xv - xxiv
pages 21 - 26

And be sure to do the editing homework that was assigned in class.

You can find other proofreading marks in the textbook on pages 410 and 411.

See you next week.